Dienstag, Januar 29, 2008

Churfirsten Mountains - The Battle

We've got a question for you. Me and my flatmate grew up on oposite sides of the beautiful churfisten mountains. Now we live together in a "big" city far away from the mountains.

But there's a question that keeps me and my flatmate busy:

Which is the most beautiful view of the Churfirsten mountains?

The view from the Toggenburg-Valley where I grew up:

Or the view from the Sarganserland-Valley where he grew up:

Please vote now for Toggenburg or Sarganserland!

The winner will get a lot of beer!

Which is the the most beautiful view of the Churfirsten Mountains?
From the Toggenburg
From the Sarganserland
Equally beautiful from both sides
Ugly from both sides


At 1/30/2008 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Mag eu jo beidi voll und han mi weg dena zwei liebe email fascht nid chönne entscheide. und denn hani d'bilder gseh und mis herz hets richtige gmacht:-).

grüessli nach winti

At 1/30/2008 12:47 PM, Blogger rockzombie said...

chami nöd entscheide... puh...tendenziell wöri mini stimm scho ehner de toggeburger site geh... aber mhh.. chönteter mol es satellitebild ineposte, denn wär d'entscheidig vilicht es bizeli eifacher....
nanei, nu spass... denk 'toggeburger siite!!!

mfg dona

At 2/02/2008 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

dä sulf söll nuchli bier suuffä. d toggeburger-sicht isch eidütig di schönner! cherio, taba


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