Samstag, September 09, 2006

Oops, was that me?

Dear Yvonne, i couldn't resist. But of course first i tried to reach you, but unfortunately you neither answered nor you turned down the volume of the music. So the cops - although it took them 30 minutes to come - caught you 'in flagranti'. Then your party was over soon. And a little advice: be nicer to the cops, the could visit you more often...


At 9/19/2006 7:50 PM, Blogger sulf said...

do seit mer doch süst mer söll lieb zu de nochbärä sii!

...desperate neighbours in th feld-lane...

At 9/21/2006 8:24 AM, Blogger michael said...

gell, si isch gar nöd lieb gsi zu mir...

At 9/21/2006 8:44 AM, Blogger rockzombie said...

wenigstens isch sie lieb zu de gäst...



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