I'm back from Barcelona
hey hou folks. finally i'm back in good old switzerland. made a little stopover on the southsidefestival to see LIVE, APOCALYPTICA, dEUS, THE RACONTEUR (JACK WHITE), THE ARCTIC MONKEYS, MUSE, THE HIVES, ADAM GREEN, WIR SIND HELDEN, MANDO DIAO, ELEMENT OF CRIME, BILLY TALENT, DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE, BEN HARPER, WITHIN TEMPTATION and SIGUR RÒS. it was fucking awesome!

i already miss my bcn pakistanis to sell me beer for 1 EUR and all of the bcn party-crowd. you were great! i'll try to to put some of the pictures on flickr (see the link in the sidebar) as soon as possible. hope there are some cool ones from fab's party! i really need to get a photo of diana wearing my "rüdig-tshirt"!
miss you all....
(& barcelona natürlich au!)
barca isch eifach e böörner stadt!
und hey, el riemo carpentero, mir sind im ober pakistani quartier xi - voll di spassige lüüt döt. bierverkauf und coiffeursalön händ sich uf de südliche siite vo de rambla eidütig duregsetzt :-)
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